Tough news from the hospital

by brionic @, Friday, July 20, 2012, 23:13 (4456 days ago)

Dashiell is in Cincinnati, set to begin his final infusion of chemo. The doctor met with Pam to discuss options on the tail end of his treatment, and to coordinate frequency of follow up. Pam said the meeting went well, but she felt a bit odd about it.

Sure enough, a bad result from today's lab work was delivered within minutes after the "exit interview" with the MD - a result indicating recurrence. Rushed into a CT scan, our fears were confirmed - recurrent tumor growth in his liver. Everyone is stunned.

The doctor is suggesting transplant, rather than surgical removal of the nodule or chemo embolization. An MRI tomorrow will help map the growth, and then Monday and Tuesday Dashiell's vitals and functions will be benchmarked again, then a series of grueling interviews for the transplant "vote".

We are crushed, to be plain. This was to be the end of his treatment, the literal last day. It is hard to consider that Dashiell, who has been so excited about finishing chemo and getting back to school, will have to deal with the fear that is inevitable. We will do our best to alleviate his fears and sorrows, and we will be relentlessly positive, but this feels like a crushing blow.

If anyone feels like it, we would be grateful for any good words put in on his behalf.

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