Ruger's first DA sixguns

by Remington40x @, SE PA, Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 14:46 (4458 days ago) @ Hoot

I have two of the Security Sixes in .357 - a 6" stainless that was my first revolver and a 4" blue that I bought a few years ago as a woods gun. They really are delightful revolvers and although I've put a ton of .38s through them and more than a few .357s as well, they've never so much as hiccuped. I actually prefer them to the S&W K-frames (and I have three of them - a Model 17 6", a Model 18 4" and a Model 15 4"), but I'm sure that opinion places me in a distinctly small minority.

I find the GP100s to be clunky in comparison to the Security Six series.

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