I've had a White Mountain going on 15 years +....

by Murphy @, Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 06:47 (4458 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

it's my favorite. Short and easy to maneuver in a tree stand or on the ground.

Rate of twist is one thing you may want to bring to the forefront of your choices as to which one you eventually wind up with.

The majority of T/C traditional blackpowder long guns have a 1/48 twist rate. It was T/C's way of trying to keep both the patch & ball vs the conical (or saboted loads) content. Typically in a long gun, the 1/66 twist rate works best for patch and ball. The 1/21 works best for sabot loads (which I use).

Mine will clover leaf 3 shots @ 50 yards if I'm on my game that day. Brought down more whitetails with it than I can remember, one of my true favorites.


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