Getting my mind right....I know the zip code there.

by Mike P @, Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 08:59 (4459 days ago) @ Byron

Byron -

As you know I'm following a similar path. My heart and prayers are with you 7 yours.

My youngest daughter (20) was deeply affected by John's death. I have a son 15 that favor's his Mom. My 24YO is engaged and a grandson is due in a week or so. My 26 year old daugher lives with me when she's not away at school. However I really am closest to my 20 YO daughter. She's just returned from 2 months in Africa doing volenteer work. She's just shy of fearless. Scares the heck out of me. She's humbly accepted a great deal of training, partly to get the skills, partly to make us feel better I suspect.

It's not up to us. I'm doing my best to stay in the present. I try to be available fo rany good thing. I spend a lot of time in prayer.

Glad you had a great week my friend,

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