Getting my mind right....

by Byron, Monday, July 16, 2012, 20:41 (4460 days ago)

Just got home from a week long road trip to the Bad Lands, Devils Tower etc with the family....

A week together with no distractions but the beautiful country....joined together at the hip for a experience of a life time...

Had a wonderful time....spent more uninterupted time with my 13 year old twins and wife than I have in a real long time....they were wonderful people to travel get back in touch with...

I have developed a new protective bond for my little girl, Grace, that troubles me...

Parents who have more than one child will if honest, admit that they identify most strongly with one....adore them all...but one will be their baby forever....Caitlyn was my girl...when she was killed it took a lot from me...just never the truely breaks your heart...

My eldest son had demonstrated over and over again in Ramadi with the Marines that he could run through the ran and not get worries...

My wife is just bigger than life and always at the families rudder...runs it...right down the middle of the road....

The twin boy is all a father could wish for...again no worries....

Grace has me worrying....she is under my skin like Caitlyn was...even though she is more like Teresa than me....just worried that if anything happened to her I would not be able to carry on....kinda concerned how to make sure nothing can harm her....know that is not really possible....

I have always given my kids their wings and all the rope they can handle...maintained high expectations and they always excel...

Been on edge since the trip...been watching her all the time...probably not real healthy....its odd to worry about a child like that...most never will....makes your hair stand up when you do....


Thanks for bearing with me....


Getting my mind right....I know the zip code there.

by Mike P @, Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 08:59 (4459 days ago) @ Byron

Byron -

As you know I'm following a similar path. My heart and prayers are with you 7 yours.

My youngest daughter (20) was deeply affected by John's death. I have a son 15 that favor's his Mom. My 24YO is engaged and a grandson is due in a week or so. My 26 year old daugher lives with me when she's not away at school. However I really am closest to my 20 YO daughter. She's just returned from 2 months in Africa doing volenteer work. She's just shy of fearless. Scares the heck out of me. She's humbly accepted a great deal of training, partly to get the skills, partly to make us feel better I suspect.

It's not up to us. I'm doing my best to stay in the present. I try to be available fo rany good thing. I spend a lot of time in prayer.

Glad you had a great week my friend,

stay the course Byron,

by anachronism, Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 20:13 (4459 days ago) @ Byron

It'll all level out. It always does. It sounds like you have a great family, and you're justifiably proud of them

I've got one somewhat like her, Byron.

by AaronB, Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 11:29 (4458 days ago) @ Byron


Mine's only 7, but they look like they could be sisters.


A face without freckles is like a sky without stars....

by Byron, Thursday, July 19, 2012, 17:28 (4457 days ago) @ AaronB

Always remember and never forget....

That little girls always love their daddys...

She is lovely...


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