Mom went home to Jesus this morning.....

by JD, Western Washington, Saturday, July 14, 2012, 22:55 (4462 days ago)

At around 10:45 this morning my sister called to say my mom had passed away. She'd been in a coma for the last week and passed peacefully. We had all spent the last couple of weeks with her as much as possible. I'm surprised that she lasted as long as she did. She'd been in hospice care for the last 6 months, so we knew this day was coming.... Still is hard to believe that she's gone though.... She will be missed...

She was a strong, independent woman who lived a good, simple life. She loved her kids, grand kids, and her God. She missed my father more than words when he passed 25 years ago, and can be with him now........

When she turned 82 a year ago it was like her body simply said "I'm done" and started shutting down. It was hard to watch her go down hill, and so frustrating for her to lose her strength and independence, and be dependent on others for even the simplest of things. Her mind was sharp to the very end, but the body just failed her.

Rest in peace, Mom. Your place is empty here.............


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