So this young man from Alaska was visiting San Francisco

by Dennis, Friday, July 13, 2012, 23:58 (4463 days ago)


When he stopped into a curio shop down by the waterfront. On the back shelf he spots a rat made of brass about 2 foot long curled up with it's tail along side it's body. "Hey how much for the brass rat" asks the young man of the store clerk, 20 bucks for the rat and another hundred for the story behind it answers the clerk. "The hell with the story here's 20 bucks" and out the door he goes. As he's heading down the side walk he begins to hear some scurrying and scratching behind him and spins around to catch sight of a dozen or so rats following along behind him. Hmmm curious he thinks to him self and keeps going after a bit the noise increases and once again he looks back to see that now the number of rats trailing him has increased to hundreds. This makes him a little bit nervous and he picks up the pace a little as he turns the corner he looks back and rats are coming out of the gutters and Allys and chasing after him he turns and begins to run and run he does right out onto the golden gate bridge and as he looks back he see hundreds of thousands of rat chasing after him there blocking traffic, there on the bride stringers there every where in a fit of panic he throws the brass rat as hard and far as he can as it goes over the side of the bridge and down into the bay the rats all follow it also jumping off the bridge into the bay and following it down to the bottom where they surely drown. The young man stares in disbelief and turns and rushes back to the curio shop as he barges in the door the counter clerk jumps up and shouts " I knew it I knew you'd be back for that hundred dollar story! "To hell with you and your hundred dollar story" Shouts the young man. Do you have any Brass Obama voters?

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