For The Record

by Charles, Thursday, July 12, 2012, 16:44 (4464 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

This is an immigration inspection that has taken place for all of my life at checkpoints down here on the border. In order for such an inspection to take place, the agent must ask a persons citizenship and the question must be answered. It is asked of everybody passing through these checkpoints. It is a major part of stoping illegal aliens from coming into the country.

The guy in the video did not get his civil rights violated any more than the person who is asked to show his driver's license and insurance by a local police office.

Make up you mind boys, do you want the Border Patrol to keep wetbacks out of this country or not? You can't catch them, if you are not allowed to talk to them and ask if they are a citizen. If the illegals are not given this immigration inspection then they can't be removed or even be in this country illegaly. This happens at the border, at the checkpoint, on the streets and in the businesses all over the country. It is the first step to sending them back to where they came from.

No, they can't tell if you are a US citizen or not by look at you and talking to you. Some illegals speak perfect english without an accent. Others don't look brown in color. Some even come from Europe. Many from the middle east and a pot load from China.

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