The USFA .44 Compared to my 1st Generation Colt SAA .45

by JimT, Texas, Friday, February 21, 2025, 19:56 (19 days ago)

The pictures were taken before I had the one-piece walnut grips made for the USFA. The Colt was made in 1887. When I bought it, it had been buffed and polished so many times there was no lettering on the frame other than the serial numbers. It was a Christy's rebuild for Hollywood. The barrel looked like a sewer pipe from years of blanks and little or no cleaning. I bought period correct parts from Eddie Janis. I bought a modern cylinder and had Cosby Custom Guns in Evansville, IN do the restoration on the pistol. He even fire-blued the screws. The grips are Big Horn Sheep by Paul Persinger.







If your USFA has a serial number 20,XXX, 21,XXX or 22,XXX through 22,500 or so, you have a USFA built on a Uberti frame and I do not believe it is worth as much as a high quality 100% USFA single action. Also, if you have a USFA with a six digit serial number beginning in the number 1 (one) you have a Uberti frame USFA.

As for the Rodeo models, any USFA Rodeo beginning with an “A” or “B” was built using some or all Uberti parts.

My understanding is, if the gun was built with Uberti parts, it will have Uberti stamps on the underside of the barrel. I am not sure of that as I have never examined one, but that's what I was told.

The NRA says that by 2001 all USFA gun were totally crafted in-house in the USA.

Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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