Two more images.

by Bob Hatfield @, Saturday, February 01, 2025, 10:45 (39 days ago) @ AaronB
edited by Bob Hatfield, Sunday, February 02, 2025, 06:35


This deer was originally shot at around 75 yards in the pouring rain. I hit him right behind the diaphragm. He stood there while I reloaded. Then a flash in the pan. He looked at me like I was dumb. I was for shooting too far. Then another flash in the pan. He walked away sickly and stopped. I shot again bracing against a tree again. The Bess fired (in the rain) and I hit him again about an inch or so behind the diaphragm. He walked away and I tracked the blood. There was plenty but not from the lungs. I found him lying down and finished him through the head. All the shots were pass throughs. The two shots through the body were within 2 inches of each other but never hit a vital organ just part of the liver IIRC. I was not proud of this kill and therefore limit my shots with a smoothbore on deer to 50 yards after that.

But as a 18th and 19th century combat weapon, I wouldn't want anyone shooting at me within 150 yards. A big Bess ball hitting a bone is bad news.


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