Cell Phones

by Murphy @, Saturday, January 11, 2025, 22:09 (6 days ago) @ JimT

I proudly carry a flip phone. Small, folds up nicely and fits in my front pocket which works for me. I can get on the web using it if I have to, but have only done it once or twice. Nothing against those who do carry/use smart phones. And yes, a lot of people need and use them for business purposes.

Situational awareness is another story and here's one. I was at a doctors appointment in the waiting room with 25 other people at least. I'd taken my usual seat next to the front door out of habit. Within 5 to 10 minutes the door opened and an elderly gentleman walked in. He was on up there in years from what I could see from behind, but what I really noticed was the double harness shoulder rig he was wearing with two 1911's. As he stood there surveying the room for a place to sit, I slid my hand down to the comforting feel of a Kahr 9mm in my right front pocket. No telling what his intentions may be and mine went un-noticed. He found a seat, sat down and within 3-4 minutes was sound asleep. To this day I'm not sure if any of the others in the room noticed. I do know as I looked around the room to see if anyone else had noticed, I couldn't tell, seems they all had their heads in their phone. Worrisome isn't it?

My other pet peeve, is to be having a conversation with a friend and they're on speaker phone. The next thing you know, a third party walks into the room they're in and starts talking to them as if the person on the other end doesn't exist. We we're raised like that, it's called manners.

Rant off,


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