I don't doubt it.

by cas, Saturday, November 30, 2024, 17:54 (21 days ago) @ Hoot

Bullets have come a long way in 50+ years. I only ever shot the one bullet Hornady offered at the time. I'd like to get back to shooting it, but since it has no job anymore, it seems a little pointless. Part of the reason I don't is the range I shoot at now is ALWAYS windy and I think trying to shoot little groups with it there would be very frustrating. Of course my eyes have gone and nerve damage has given my a bad shake, so shooting little groups with most anything doesn't happen anymore.

The only thing I've even shot with a .17 were two woodchucks and a porcupine one weekend this spring with my .17M2
I heard people say they were unimpressive killers as well, and while they weren't far at all, all three never even moved.

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