Another .35 Krag... the .358 Dauntless

by AaronB, Wednesday, November 27, 2024, 07:29 (24 days ago) @ Hoot

It's tempting to noodle out a design for a wildcat that has absolutely no earthly use, that 9x58R Krag I mentioned... just a necked-up 8x58R Krag. It would shoot a .358-caliber bullet at essentially .35 Krag velocities, although maybe plus a little due to extra case volume. Pressures could be kept reasonable and the applicability to break actions and vintage single shot designs would be considerable. One could spec out a 1-10" twist or so in order to handle bullets that are heavy for caliber, which would be this cartridge's wheelhouse.

Because it would represent nothing that anybody really needs, I would label it the ".358 Dauntless."

Because of course it's undaunted by common sense.


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