At The Pearly Gates One Day Peter Welcomes A Pope.

by JimT, Texas, Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 19:01 (20 days ago)

He escorts the Pope into heaven and then tells him, "Sir, the crew is just now finishing the cleaning of your house. If you don't mind I suggest we visit the Heavenly Library. We have the Original Church documents stored there and you are free to look through them. I will come get you as soon as your house is ready."

The Pope is very agreeable to this as he is really interested in seeing the Original documents so Peter shows him where to begin and leaves him there.

In a short while Peter returns to the library and as he draws near he hears the Pope wailing loudly, "NO! NO NO NO NO NO! It HAD AN R IN IT!! IT HAD AN R IN IT!!"

Rushing in he finds the Pope on floor, crying and wailing and he says, "Sir! What is wrong? What is the matter?"

The Pope catches his breath and stammers, "The original word. It has an R in it! The word was CELEBRATE!"

Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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