My mother-in-law had the surgery...

by Paul ⌂, Monday, September 16, 2024, 09:53 (29 days ago) @ A K Church

a few years ago. They inserted different lenses into her eyes, one for up close, one for further away. I don't believe she's needed glasses since then. She's not a shooter so no help on that perspective, but if you qualify to have corrective lenses permanently installed it's well worth the time to investigate which one you want adjusted which way. My ophthalmologist checks my eyes for cataracts each visit (thrice yearly) and so far no big deal, surprising due to the exposure to the rays this close to the equator. But I'm in no rush to further complicate the vision equation. Glaucoma is bad enough by itself. Other folk I've talked with who've had the lenses inserted agree that it's well worth it.

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