Reloading and Understanding

by JimT, Texas, Sunday, September 15, 2024, 08:25 (30 days ago)

I have been reloading for almost 70 years, my Dad starting me when I was 10 years old. During those years I made mistakes, thought I knew what I was doing when I didn't, and studied, learned and am still learning. There's always more to learn!

In time people began asking me to teach them how to reload. At times I have held classes as well as taught one-on-one with friends and acquaintances . When I have been asked to help someone learn to reload, my first suggestion is for them to buy 3 or 4 reloading manuals and read them each from cover to cover several times. It's important not to use just one manual, for the amount of data and the variables are too many, too much and too important to get just one viewpoint.

It's the same with the Bible. My experience showed me that we should use various translations and read and study them. Will you find differences? Of course! It's the same as with reloading manuals. What do you do about the differences? We should study and discover why there are differences and what they mean. You will figure things out in time and learn a lot along the way!

When learning to reload as well as long as we are reloading, we need to refer back to the manuals. We are human beings and are prone to not remember everything correctly. Life brings enough stresses and changes that it is a good idea to be checking ourselves and confirming what we've learned. The manuals provides a backup that we need. And I have found that there is always something more to be learned. Different ways of doing the same things, improved tools, new components … all sorts of stuff!

This applies to learning the Bible as well. I personally find the scriptures to always have more things to discover and learn. It has led me to believe there will be no end to the discovery and learning. And to me that is exciting!

Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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