Took the Achilles to the Range This Morning

by JimT, Texas, Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 14:20 (195 days ago)

I had a box of loaded ammo with mixed bullets ... some the original Bittner Bullet ... some the Huffaker Bullet and 3 with the Killebrew Bullet. All were loaded with 6.0 gr. Bullseye and I wanted to shoot them up so I could reload the brass. I also took a box loaded with the Huffaker Bullet over 6.6 gr. of Unique.

Huffaker Bullet .. heel .. hollow base with crimp groove

Bittner Bullet -left ..... Killebrew Bullet - Right




I only had 3 rounds with the Killebrew Bullet with me. They are an accurate bullet as I found in previous shooting.


Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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