Triduom Hagios.....

by RayLee, Saturday, March 30, 2024, 19:12 (51 days ago) @ JimT
edited by RayLee, Saturday, March 30, 2024, 20:40

I like to think my version is a little more listenable than Dock's being roughly set to "the old rugged cross" but then there is my awful deviated septum droning nasality and attending "brown note(s)" as they who can croon are wont to disparagingly say.

So to avoid that stopped-up left nostril dissonance I quit singing and tried narrative recitation.....

Then I remember(ed) about a decade past trying to learn the dark country/folk tune "long black veil" which theme was infidelity and lynching.....

only to realize it just happened to be good friday whilst I was rehearsing such a worldly song. So I prayed that GOD would sanctify my efforts and I came up with this.....

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