Nice pictures Paul.

by JimT, Texas, Friday, March 22, 2024, 10:31 (60 days ago) @ Paul

When I was in Mozambique there were no monthly plans. Everything is done on "Pay for what you are gonna use" including electricity. For the phone you buy minutes ... however many you can afford. Same with electricity. For folks that have them, you can get a credit card reader installed in your home and just swipe and enter how much electricity to pay for.

You don't have people skipping their due payments because there ain't any!

If you have no minutes on your phone you can still receive texts or calls. You just can't make any calls or send texts.

I liked the system and have kept it up here. I pre-pay the minutes I am gonna use on my phone and don't have any monthly fees. If I don't use the phone it ain't costing me anything. :-)

Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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