Trying A new(to me) powder

by Catoosa, Thursday, February 15, 2024, 21:48 (216 days ago) @ JimT

Hi Jim:

I'm also a big fan of the Star BM. Bought three of them a few years ago when they were cheap. One of the most comfortable handguns to carry I've ever found.

Steven Camp also liked the little Star but advised against hotrodding it too much. The slides are spot hardened in stress areas but not all over. All three of mine got new Wolff recoil springs before they even got shot, and I discovered that the magazine springs for 9mm Colt magazines fit and function fine.

Only problem with them is that parts are VERY hard to find, particularly firing pins which will break sooner or later if you dry fire the gun. That's one reason I bought three of them - figure I can keep at least one running as long as I'm likely to need it!


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