Arizona NFA scene

by A K Church, Saturday, February 10, 2024, 05:45 (222 days ago)

I get the impression it's more developed than anywhere else in the US. Arizona apparently never had state laws against any of the NFA category firearms, some few people were shooting that stuff all along. And that the scene started getting bigger in the late 70s.

I was in Tucson late last year, and saw signs on businesses advertising transfers, suppressors, and NFA gunsmithing. I've never seen it so openly adverted anywhere else, even in Arkansas, which also has a pretty developed NFA culture.

I ate at quite a good restaurant downtown, and the well dressed guys at the table next to me were talking about their AOWs.

I may be spending considerable time there in a few years.

Am I correct that it's a pretty big deal in that state?

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