The phenomena is called 'normalcy bias'.

by Miles ⌂, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Wednesday, February 07, 2024, 12:49 (224 days ago) @ JimT

It's how 'habits' are formed. What's weird is that it usually happens only in one direction.

When I was learning SCUBA diving at Fort Lewis, the instructor told us we would discover this phenomenon after we had done nothing but night dives for several weeks.

You would become so accustomed to it that going back to dive during daylight, everything would feel really 'strange' and to expect it

Same when handling small brass for so long. The mind considers that 'normal' and then, like you noticed, freaks out dealing with big stuff.

Esse sine metu in facie inimici tui. Sit fortis et rectus quod Deus ut amo te. Veritatem dico semper etiam si eam ducit ad mortem tuam. Tuendam inops et facere no mali.

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