I have the round nose ... the full wadcutter nose ...

by JimT, Texas, Monday, February 05, 2024, 13:16 (226 days ago) @ Paul

the ones with a pointy red plastic nose and the lead pointy nose. Shooting them into a 3/4" plywood board the round ball out-penetrated all of them. The round nose pellet did better than the either pointy one. The round ball nearly exited, breaking the back of the board. The round nose broke the back a little.

Shooting the .22 Long Rifle with round ball, the ball penetrated about half the size of the ball and then came back at me!

The Aguila Colibri penetrated with the base flush with the face of the board.

Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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