Down from the mountains...

by pokynojoe, Saturday, June 30, 2012, 07:54 (4477 days ago)

Just got back from two week camp and than one week of my wife's family reunion. We had about 30 show up throughout the week in the Smokies.


Here's our camp kitchen for the reunion.


Couple of my nephews tending bar.


Three generations checking out the fireflies.


The chili supper.


That's my daughter Elizabeth on the right. She's with her two friends from New York. Right before this photo was taken the fella proposed to the lass in the middle. She accepted, they're getting married in September! The mountains will do that to 'ya.


My brother-in-law from New Orleans on the trail with his Bernese.


The rhododendron were in full bloom.

Cool nights and warm days, now it's stinking hot.

I always enjoy seeing the photos you'ens post of where you'ens live. It just reinforces to me what a diverse, wonderful and beautiful place we are all fortunate enough to live in. Thought you might like to see a part of my "world".

Now, it's back to work!


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