Solid good report from Dad's MOHS surgery

by Miles ⌂, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Monday, January 29, 2024, 16:48 (233 days ago)

Had a rather large basal cell carcinoma on the top of his head. Ended up with a suture line about 3 inches long that looks like someone took a machete to him, but he says he's feeling fine.
Surgeon and the rest of the staff were in amazement at Dad's age of Ninety and Nine but even though he's currently "The Elder", he's still got 4 months to go before he beats his older brother's family record.

Esse sine metu in facie inimici tui. Sit fortis et rectus quod Deus ut amo te. Veritatem dico semper etiam si eam ducit ad mortem tuam. Tuendam inops et facere no mali.

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