Driving on a single lane road…..

by Otony, Thursday, January 25, 2024, 13:34 (237 days ago) @ Catoosa

…..on the eastern side of Mount Hamilton (below Lick Observatory) we saw a rattlesnake that spanned the roadway! Head and tail were actually in the shoulder on either side!

We were approaching it at a pretty good clip, and I was shouting for everyone to roll up their windows (there were four of us in the car). I was afraid if we ran over it the head would flip up into the vehicle.

Mr. Rattler was smarter and faster than I, it was out of the road before we got to it. I was too rattled (heh!) to slow down but it all worked out. We probably saw at least a dozen rattlers that day, but none others as big as that one.


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