Down for a week

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Friday, January 19, 2024, 14:13 (243 days ago)

I went down hard last Saturday with some sort of spawn of satan virus, can't seem to get this site to work right on my phone, and didn't want to infect our keyboard. Anyhow, I have caught up mostly, and just really want to let Hoot know that y'all are in my thoughts and prayers as you continue to fight the good fight. I haven't pulled a single trigger for 2 weeks now due to weather and illness, we had a brief but chilly go around with winter, but it was back up to the mid 60s yesterday, sat outside to speed the recovery. Feeling human again, looking forward to some time with the Hawken, a 38-40, and a 32-20, may drag out the NM Flattop 357 while I am at it. Hope everyone is faring well, next month I will be making a hopefully speedy trip to Durham N.C. to move my youngest daughter to her nurse residency job at Duke University, 2/3 of my children will now be on the East coast, not sure where I went wrong lol. Stay warm, keep your powder dry, and buy powder when you can, this is shaping up to be a rollercoaster of an election year.


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