It was -4 here this morning..

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Sunday, January 14, 2024, 18:22 (249 days ago) @ JimT

Winch chill was around 25 below. I didn’t have any big plans and figured I’d spend part of the day in the gun room loading something or ‘nother. Those plan were curtailed when I got a call that some air handlers had frozen up and busted, then thawed and were spraying water all over the penthouse and running all the way to the basement! Of the four of us that are there full time, I was the only one in town today so I got to go at it alone! Quite a few phone calls and texts but it is all taken care of. Came home to a wonderful roast with potatoes and carrots that my wonderful wife made for me. Not supposed to get above freezing for a few days at least, but as far as I know, this morning will be the coldest in the foreseeable future, so hopefully no more issues!


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