Thank you Jim

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Friday, January 12, 2024, 07:41 (251 days ago) @ JimT

Your friendship as well as everyone here means an awful lot to me. My head is in a good place really. I fully intend to keep going and keep waking up in the morning until it's time for me to go. And, I don't feel like we're there yet.

The biopsy scheduled for this morning was cancelled. My oncologist met with a 'liver panel' earlier this week. They all reviewed my scans and agreed that surgery was indicated. It hasn't been scheduled yet. Post surgery, they will conduct a 'molecular analysis' (don't ask me for details as I don't know) to see what exactly they are dealing with. More chemo may be indicated which then can be tailored to the specific cancer type. And, perhaps, we just go back to monitoring.

Anyway, thank you for your prayers and your words of encouragement. I do know they help.


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