The comments about smaller calibers and noise

by JimT, Texas, Sunday, January 07, 2024, 20:19 (256 days ago)

got me to thinking ... which is always dangerous.

I agree the smaller high pressure calibers are sharper, more piercing, hard on the ears etc. But if you have ever fired a full-house .357 handgun in an adrenaline producing situation, from my experience, you do not hear the noise. Your ears don't ring. The sound does not affect you like it does when on the range punching holes in paper.

Now I am not saying there is no physical damage. I am saying that the immediate consequences are not the same.

Which is why when I choose a pistol to carry it is never based upon how loud it may or may not be.

When I practice with the same I shoot a lot of .38 Special mid-range loads. :-)

Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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