Mozambique Report

by JimT, Texas, Friday, January 05, 2024, 08:52 (258 days ago)

Since returning to the US in 2016 I have stayed involved with the work in Mozambique. Don and Elizabeth Kantel (who Twyla and I worked with while there) have kept up support for the young people we were helping. Don and his wife are retired now, back home in Canada, but have continued to oversee the progress of these young Mozambicans. I am grateful to be a small part of seeing these amazing youth grow up and become some who will make a difference in their nation.


Summerside, PE
January 1, 2024

Dear Friends and Partners in Ministry,
As we begin a new year, we reflect with gratitude on the faithfulness and generosity of all who have shared spiritually and financially in 2023 to make this on-going ministry possible.

Our work in northern Mozambique began in 2005, and thousands of lives have been transformed by the Father’s love and the gospel message of hope over nearly two decades. Hundreds of children and families have been supported to remain healthy and in school. Dozens have already completed secondary school. And a growing number have completed or are currently pursuing vocational or post-secondary education and training.

As I write, we are supporting seven young women in nursing programs; one young man in training to become a naval officer; one training to be a medical technician; one pursuing a degree in accountancy; one training to be a police officer; and three in the lengthy program to become medical doctors. During the past year alone, four completed university degrees; four completed police training; two became nurses and one a medical technician. These are notable accomplishments…considering that every one of these young people comes from a background of poverty beyond anything we know in the Western world; most are fatherless; and many are total orphans. And not one of them has a parent who ever completed primary school!

Two of the teens our sponsors are currently supporting were born HIV-positive. Their mothers had AIDS and in both cases died many years ago. The antiretrovirals we provide keep these young people healthy and able to live a normal life. Without our intervention, both would be dead today!

Two of our current nursing students had been forced into prostitution by the utter hopelessness of their poverty. Today, their hearts are filled with gratitude to the Lord and to their Canadian sponsors for giving them a new chance at real life. One wrote to me recently that she’s now living her dream and wants more than anything to make her sponsor proud of her.

All our supported young people know the Lord. He has replaced their former life of degradation with one of dignity…their former hopelessness with a lively hope of a better life in this world and the hope of Glory in God’s eternal presence.

Thank you for your part in this continuing miracle of love as we enter a new year.



Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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