From the land between the Canal and the Equator

by Paul ⌂, Sunday, December 24, 2023, 14:33 (270 days ago)

May each and every one of you enjoy a blessed time of celebration during the coming days. The celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ and the changing of the calendar for a new year bring joy and optimism to those who know the Author of life. My prayer is that each of you have a safe and blessed time of celebration with family and/or friends. I live far from family other than my wife and friends are few, but each year I choose to celebrate and be thankful for the blessings received over the year(s). When I see the impact of the life of that "tiny babe in a manger" on civilization through the centuries, I am filled with gratitude toward our Creator for taking mercy upon wayward mankind and sending us a Light that shines through the darkness to bring hope and Life in Him.

Merry Christmas! and may 2024 bring many blessings to each and every one of us.

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