Christmas Message for Christmas 2023

by JimT, Texas, Sunday, December 24, 2023, 08:51 (270 days ago)

There was a conversation that began before there was time. It was recorded in thoughts, seen in dreams, whispered in prophetic utterances, chiseled in in stone and written on the human conscience and memory. Over two thousand years ago that conversation became a human being, a child! Born in humble beginnings but destined to express and demonstrate the very essence of God, this little Jewish baby that the world stops and celebrates (whether they know what they are doing or not) impacted the world like no other human has ever done. Time is recorded and split into "before his birth" and "after his birth" whether that is acknowledged or not. Some have changed the wording but still split recorded time with the time we celebrate His birth!

The name of this Child declares His mission as Savior of the world. In His life, His death and His resurrection He demonstrated, presented and made evident the image and likeness of the invisible God! Jesus is the ultimate of God's conversation with mankind. God's message to us became human!

This season of celebrating His birth let us remember Him! Let us not get caught up in the commercialization or with the politicization or the religious trappings that get added. It's not as important whether the date of His birth is celebrated at the right time as it is that we express our gratefulness to Him for coming, for what He endured for us, what He did for us and that He is with us in the Here and Now!

Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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