Uberti Vs Pietta. JT?

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Thursday, December 21, 2023, 04:48 (273 days ago)

I a, looking to add a 7 1/2” .45 SAA copy to my collection. I have owned quite a few Italian imports over the years but it’s been awhile since I’ve been deep into them. Back when I shot CAS, the general consensus was to stay away from Piettas and ASM’s as they just were sub par compared to the Uberti’s. I have heard they have gotten batter in the past few years but was looking for first hand experience of anyone who has owned both of a fairly recent vintage. I’m having zero luck finding anything used locally, so I’m pretty close to just having a shop order me a new one. I contacted cimmaron recently as I know some of the Uberti’s have gone to a new lock work and I have zero desire to own one of those. They gave me some model numbers to stick with for the four click Uberti’s and said all Piettas are still original style lock work.

Thanks for any experience you guys can share,
Doug K


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