Star PD...

by A K Church, Monday, December 04, 2023, 14:42 (290 days ago) @ JimT
edited by A K Church, Wednesday, December 06, 2023, 03:44

Missouri didn't really have concealed carry when I worked with Mister Pike in the timeframe of 1982-'85.

The had a system of "Honorary Deputy" commissions, though, which the county sheriff could grant, and for those few who had these, they could carry concealed. These commissions tended to go to people who donated money to the sheriff's election, friends of the sheriff, and the politically connected.

Mr. P. had such a commission, and carried pretty much anytime he left the front door. However he had to leave his scarce and expensive Detonics Mk I in his van during courthouse business. And it was thieved.

Feeling naked, he quickly found a used PD somewhere , and it replaced the Detonics, until such time as he could get another. And, as mentioned, those were pricey and hard to find.

By the time his Detonics was recovered 200 miles away, he had sheepishly discovered the PD was nearly as easy to conceal, a lot easier to shoot well, and about the same weight. He carried the Spanish gun from then on, and last I talked to him 3-4 years ago, still had it at home loaded. He then carried a polymer compact .45 S&W of some sort.

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