So many questions…. So many jokes!

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Friday, December 01, 2023, 04:26 (293 days ago) @ JimT

He was an ex con, so I’m sure he was used to having things shoved up his rear.

There were two passengers, can you imagine the quick, heated conversation that went on when the red and blues lit them up?
“I ain’t going back, you hold this!”
No way man, you can shove that idea up your A$$!”
“Great idea, homie! I can’t reach it, can you help a brother out?”

Guess this is a solid argument against carrying a handgun with a red dot!

Maybe this is the true idea behind the Taurus Curve? Supposed to fit the curves of your colon?

New advertising slogan? “S&W Bodyguard; we’ve got your back(side)”


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