running over terrorists with a tank would not make it bounce

by A K Church, Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 04:24 (295 days ago) @ JimT

The USSR employed a bunch of women in frontline combat roles during WWII. Tank crews, nuisance bombing crews, and snipers.

The bombing was an especially risky business. They flew slow Polikarpov biplanes over German lines, coming in low, and dropping their ordnance before doing a u turn, and getting out. The small bombs were not intended to to do great damage, but to keep the enemy on edge, deny them sleep, and generally degrade morale. They commonly did this at night.

There is a good fictionalized account of a female unit who mount a patrol after German infiltrators, with heavy losses. Fictional, but a good eye for detail. "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", which can be seen for free at a few places online. If female nudity offends you, there is one scene to avoid.

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