Safety warning for everyone.......

by Gunner @, St Louis, Friday, November 24, 2023, 19:27 (300 days ago)

When you are mixing types of firearms when testing, think before you pull the trigger :-(

Was testing a new powder in my 38-55 Marlin Cowboy today, in between strings of fire while allowing the Marlin to cool down a little from chronographing loads, I was working on setting up the new adjustable gas block on my suppressed 300 Blackout SBR. Was so focused on what I was doing I forgot to put my ear muffs back on before grabbing the Marlin and triggering a hot load across the chronograph.

Thankfully the barrel is 24 inches long and not a shorty :-| could have been worse, still rung my ears a little, actually was a little stunned at first until it dawned on me I forgot the muffs.


write up on the powder/loads coming

41 Mags rule, Baers rock!

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