by jgt, Monday, November 20, 2023, 09:37 (304 days ago) @ JimT

Burnham Brothers use to be in Marble Falls (Texas). I visited there in the seventies and bought a duel tone call with a reed for jackrabbits and one for cottontails. It has been my go to call for varmint. I was calling by myself once and a coyote came from behind and I didn't see him until he was ten feet away. By the time I turned around and raised my gun he was behind some brush out of sight for a clear shot.
When I first got the call I was not sure I was using it correctly. One night I pulled into a roadside park being too tired to safely drive. I went to sleep and later I found there was a train track close by as I was awakened by a train passing by. While trying to go back to sleep I heard a pack of coyotes catch a rabbit and he was screaming his lungs out as they tore him apart. It sounded just like the call I had been using. After that, I knew if they didn't come running, they probably were not in the area I was calling in.

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