The 210 gr. XTP has served me well for a very long time.

by JimT, Texas, Monday, November 20, 2023, 07:40 (304 days ago) @ Gunner

I started using it in my .41 around 1990 when we moved to Missouri. Before that time I shot a lot of deer with cast bullets. Normally with a cast bullet a good hit through the heart/lung area resulted in a hard run for a relative short distance til blood pressure dropped. But hunting in Missouri, if I shot a deer and it ran 50 or 100 yards onto the neighbors property, I may not have been able to recover it. I wanted something that dropped them faster and settled on the 210 gr. XTP at 1400/1450. I shot quite a few deer with it the 20 years I lived in Missouri and it worked well. Typical was the time I eased into the woods and had a buck stand up in front of me about 30/40 yards. I had a clear view and shot him just behind the front leg about a quarter way up the body. He made a strong leap like they do when they take off running, but when he hit the ground instead of running he just piled up in a heap.

I've had good enough success with it that it is the only jacketed bullet I run in the .41.

Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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