I found out it is a One man shop.

by Bob Hatfield @, Friday, November 17, 2023, 17:46 (307 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

Below is an excerpt from a thread on an old forum from back in 2015

"Jon was a curmudgeon before he was 30 years old. I used to visit with him at gun shows in Western Montana and learned quickly to be patient with him, that was 20+ years ago and he is only deeper into curmudgeonly behavior. He makes great products slowly, hates telephones and doesn't like to be bothered. Don't blame him for that, I feel much the same way towards most of the same things. Email him and wait, don't email him again, that's provocation, pure and simple. Good products take time, give him the benefit of the doubt......every time!!!"

So, I guess I'll be patient with him LOL.


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