Yes ... OV-1 Mohawk. Really cool airplane!

by JimT, Texas, Monday, November 13, 2023, 19:27 (311 days ago) @ A K Church

The long black tube on the side is a Side-Looking Radar. They flew the DMZ every night watching for infiltrators. We lost quite a few guys in early '67 to a North Korean team that came in and set up a heavy machine near one of the camps on the DMZ. When they lined up for chow the North Koreans opened up on them. Killed at least 50 if I remember correctly. Then beat it back across the DMZ and got away. Our government filed a protest. As far as I can tell nothing was ever done about it.

It was during this period that is now called "The Korean DMZ Conflict" and is also referred to as the Second Korean War by some. This was a series of low-level armed clashes between North Korean forces and the forces of South Korea and the United States, largely occurring between 1966 and 1969 at the Korean DMZ.

Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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