Thanks for the kind words! We haven't spent a lot of time

by JohnKDM, Monday, November 13, 2023, 10:43 (311 days ago) @ A K Church

face-to-face, but there has been a lot of interaction over those decades. Some guys here I have never met in person and yet I still consider them good friends. Glad to help and contribute whenever I can!

In the subset of trusting a member with loaner stuff, I can remember only one event in the last 25yrs where that was a problem - the traveling throat reamer. Someone new-ish to the board asked to be added to the list and he (and the reamer) was never heard from again after receipt.. pretty good average, actually.

The opportunity to meet good friends of like mind is one of the reasons I believe we all owe Jim Taylor so much for starting this board all those years ago.

John K.

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