John Meeker, for those who are not on FB...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Sunday, November 12, 2023, 11:50 (312 days ago)

I posted:
John Meeker has been on my mind a bit over the last few weeks. I was wondering how he was doing. Today, on DGJ, I see this awful news...
"John Meeker, marshgurl, a member here for many years has been heinously assaulted and seriously injured by person or persons still unknown while walking his dogs along a river not far from his home. He was brutally struck on the back of the head, fracturing the skull and causing massive concussion and brain bleeding. He is currently in a coma in the ICU with no prognosis.
I met John on this forum over twenty years ago. He and I regularly corresponded and conversed on the phone. There are a number of persons here who did the same. I know him to be a kind and generous man whom I totally respect. This happening to him is so outrageous that I have no words.
As I get news I'll pass it along, but I must admit that it seems grim."

Roger Cox posted a screenshot conversation from Martha, John's wife, indicating that John was now out of ICU. So, that's encouraging.

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