It Ain't Me.

by Miles ⌂, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Monday, October 23, 2023, 15:19 (332 days ago) @ A K Church

while I happen to have G19 set up like that as well, I have yet to make a vid about it.

While the MTV music video certainly was the birthplace of this, I think the shooting community unfortunately took the idea to heart when a certain U.S. Army Hostage Rescue Special Mission Unit was making a recruiting video and a rough cut preliminary version, that had a loud rock music background, was nixed by the commander and somehow got released to the public. Just my opinion, or course.

Esse sine metu in facie inimici tui. Sit fortis et rectus quod Deus ut amo te. Veritatem dico semper etiam si eam ducit ad mortem tuam. Tuendam inops et facere no mali.

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