A pair of .58’s

by A K Church, Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 18:07 (337 days ago) @ Slow Hand
edited by A K Church, Thursday, October 19, 2023, 02:40

The Springfield is what's variously known as the 1854 or 1855 Cavalry Carbine, and so far as I know all the originals were issues in .54 for Minie. If might have been converted to .58, but for sure measure the bore.

The name is odd, as the US had no Cavalry at that time, only Dragoons and Mounted Rifles. They were issued concurrently with the 1855 Pistol-Carbine. Both were obsolete the first day they were issued, as the Sharp's was already a proven product. In any event, troopers liked neither, and their service life was short.

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