OPENING DAY ... From some years ago in place called Missouri

by A K Church, Sunday, October 01, 2023, 05:36 (355 days ago) @ JimT

I only met Jack once. But he made quite an impression. Same day I met you, Jim. Same day I met John Taffin. New Year's Eve 1993 at a pig hunt near Licking MO. 30 years ago in a couple months.

I remember to this day that Jack was the essence of Southern Charm. Not just women have it, but it's a lot rarer in guys. A lot.

Miles and I were concerned that Jack was going to have medical issues, since he was getting winded a lot, and the two of us couldn't hope to pick him up. He was a big guy. But you still wanted to hang around the guy, he was someone who drew you to him.

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