My “Get Out Of Jail Free” card was issued by….

by Otony, Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 22:00 (359 days ago) @ RayLee

…..Washington fish & game, to prevent deer from chewing up the expensive fruit trees in my orchard. The state has to pay out the estimated value of a fruit tree based on its productive life span, and that gets spendy fast. So deprivation tags are given pretty readily.

I didn’t have to worry about hunting regulations, but we live on 4 acres, and everyone else around here has a similar size property. The fellow at fish & game strongly recommended a shotgun with buckshot or a bow.

I chose an Excalibur crossbow, which tightened his jaws a bit, but I pointed out that I wasn’t hunting under game laws, I was pretty much given a 007 license to kill. He agreed with reservations.

Once we got dogs, the deer disappeared from the orchard and I was able to store my William Tell weapon of mass destruction. But I will say this, it works like a charm!


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