Amazingly enough…..

by Otony, Sunday, September 24, 2023, 16:43 (361 days ago) @ Slow Hand

… in Washington you can buy CBD gummies and oil at the grocery store! Don’t even have to go to a dispensary.

My first visit to a dispensary was an eye opener. I was shopping for CBD oil to dose our dog before the 4th of July. It’s a small town, and I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I didn’t expect to see Grandma, or a businessman in a three piece suit. Nor did I expect to see a housewife, the construction worker was not a big surprise however, lol.

What they were buying was absolutely none of my business, but there they all were, just like it was no big deal.

Even without THC (which I am not so sure I entirely believe), if you get tested it’s probably best to not take even the supposedly “cleanest” oil.


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