Free free free

by A K Church, Thursday, September 14, 2023, 20:29 (371 days ago)

Built me an SBR, all legal-like. 4 1/2" 10/22. Mostly as a suppressor host. Unreliable as can be, needs hours and hours of sorting. But boy-o-boy-o-boy it looks s*xy.

Anyway, when I built it, the only folding stock I could find was a ProMag. It actually looks pretty rakish and sci-fi, and locks up just fine, but feels less substantial than the often hard-to-find Butler Creek foldo stock I really wanted.

Now I have a Butler Creek. Just needs to be cut down.

So one somewhat used but serviceable ProMag folder, chopped waaaaayyyyy back. Free to anyone who wants to build their own SBR, or perhaps it could be made to work with a takedown rifle. Or mount a camera on it. Whatever's legal where you live.

Makes more sense to hand it off face-to-face, but if you want to spend $14 shipping on a used stock, that's fine by me.

Talk to me, akchurch at yahoo dot com.

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